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Opinions & Experiences

Satisfied customers share their experiences…

Our customer reports for permanente* hair removal

Smooth and hairless skin is trendy and not only important for women.More and more people are tired of the hassle of conventional hair removal, they want the best result in a short time without any great effort. XENOgel Technology offers all these advantages. Therefore, many people have already discovered this revolutionary way of permanent hair removal*. Here you will find some useful reviews of satisfied customers who are convinced of the effectiveness of this method:

Just at my age, hair removal (facial hair) is a slightly more sensitive issue compared with younger people. Also the shaving of the female upper lip is less common and left me desperate and ashamed. Haarfreiheit Heidelberg was recommended to me by a friend.Up to this point, however, I was not aware that the facial hair could be removed using this technique. During the next treatment of my friend I accompanied her. I was immediately taken by the nice ambience and the friendly staff of the practice and I felt very well advised. The pain-free treatment with the good result makes me completely satisfied and my self-confidence has improved since the beginning of treatment. – Nadine I. (22, Mannheim)

For a long time, it was very unpleasant for me to show me, for example, in the swimming pool without a shirt, because of my strong hair growth on my back. My problem: Many areas cannot be reached by razor. In my despair, I also tried to remove my hair with wax almost with tears in my eyes. On a long-term basis, however, I could not stand it, the pain was too great. I found the side of the Haarfreiheit Heidelberg on the net and agreed to a non-binding consultation date. At first I was skeptical, but the result speaks for itself: My back is free from hair and the treatment is painless and thorough. I can highly recommend the XENOgel method in this practice! – David F. (24, Mannheim)

Especially in the summer it is immensely important for women to have smooth and hairless skin. The constant shaving and epilating, if every woman honestly answers, is aggravating. In addition, I have a very sensitive skin and no matter how cautiously I remove hair and how much I care afterwards with skin-friendly products, I always suffer from skin irritation. That’s why I have been interested in a permanent hair removal* for a long time. a short research on the Internet guided me to Haarfreiheit Heidelberg and I went to a consultation meeting. I finally decided to go for a treatment on the legs, the armpits and the bikini zone – and I do not regret it. The method is gentle, painless and uncomplicated. Despite initial concerns, I am completely convinced of this method and am glad to save time and effort in future. – Karolin T. (20, Weinheim)

I have very sensitive skin, which makes every shave a pain.Especially after that I always had to fight with strong skin irritations and ingrown hair. Besides, it annoyed me that after a short time stubbles formed and the skin was still irritated. This made it very painful to shave once again. Also other methods like waxing or epilating irritated my skin only more and are also very painful too. For this reason, I have decided for the permanent hair removal * with XENOgel and am very satisfied. The treatment was completely painless and my hair has permanently disappeared. – Verena B. (27, Heidelberg)


Icon Daumen hoch Empfehlung

☖ Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 1
69117 Heidelberg

Free Consultation

Medizinische Expertise Arztkooperation
petrol colored background with a palm leaf
Portraitbild Josua Maria
Youtube Video Linkbild Josua Interview

“My experience with hair removal – mega awesome! – Since the first treatment, I started with my armpits (…) I never shaved again. I did it every 4 weeks and I always checked it, but almost nothing grew back. I don’t feel like shaving anymore. Even when I was on holiday, I didn’t have to shave. Less and less from session to session (…) and that saves time and nerves. ” Josua Maria (26): TV-Celebrity “Love Island”, Influencer

Neutraler Hintergrund Waben beige
Portrait Bild Aurelia Lamprecht
Youtube Video Linkbild Aurelia

“I shaved normally before that, but it always grew back very quickly – so it wasn’t the best thing. I’ve had my legs and armpits lasered (…) and I’m actually already completely hairless (…) which is also a huge quality of life for me – because it just makes a huge difference and as a tip I’d just say that you shave two days before and then always cremate well and in any case you don’t have to be afraid – it doesn’t hurt.”Aurelia Lamprecht (25): TV-Celebrity “Love Island”, Influencerin

Iris Klein Hintergrundbild
Portraitbild Iris klein
Youtube Video Linkbild Iris

“It really didn’t hurt, there was a gel over it and there are also different stages. We started with the smallest step and then increased and after the second treatment the hair was already less and after the 8th treatment I was off with hair.” Iris Klein(55): Mother of Daniela Katzenberger and Jenny Frankhauser, Influencerin

Peter Klein Hintergrundbild
Portraitbild Peter Klein
Youtube link picture with Peter Klein

“Nobody/ no man have to be ashamed, so if you have hair and want it gone, either you take on the annoying procedure of shaving or (…) you get professional help and go to someone who removes it permanently – that’s the better way in my eyes. You want to look good.”Peter Klein (63): Self-made man, Craftsman from Mallorca, Influencer


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