Effectpicture intsitute smooth skin for him and her
Logo Haarfreiheit Institute

Institute Karlsruhe
permanent hair removal*

Swoosh Haarfreiheit Linie

Kaiserstraße 110
76133 Karlsruhe

We offer you all the latest techniques available on the market
for permanent* hair removal with light.
We are the experts in hair removal with laser and light technology.

Batch Auszeichnung TOP DIENSTLEISTER ProvenExpert
Batch Auszeichnung TOP DIENSTLEISTER 
Haarfreiheit Mannheim ausgezeichnet.org
Icon NiSV zertifiziertes Fachpersonal Haarfreiheit Heidelberg
Logo Siegel beste Technik Grafik
Batch Auszeichnung TOP DIENSTLEISTER ProvenExpert
Batch Auszeichnung TOP DIENSTLEISTER 
Haarfreiheit Mannheim ausgezeichnet.org
Certificate Badge Haarfreiheit experts for light and laser technology
Ärztliche Kooperation Fotokollage Haarfreiheit


Haarfreiheit & specialists

Our Haarfreiheit team is optimally supported by different doctors, who are available to us as contact persons for medical questions. Thanks to many years of experience in the medical field, these are an excellent help in the assessment of skin and hair types and the associated peculiarities.

Behandlung Mann Frau dezenter beiger Banner
Certificate Badge Haarfreiheit experts for light and laser technology

Our NiSV certified specialist staff

The NiSV is a regulation for protection against harmful effects of non-ionizing radiation when applied to humans. Of course, our specialist staff is trained and certified in accordance with this law. The comprehensive training ensures proper handling of technologies and ensures proper responsibility and education on the subject of permanent hair removal by means of light & laser. So you can always feel safe and in good hands with hairlessness.

Trust in our expertise. Here is a small excerpt of our team

employee Saskia


employee Anna


employee Ankathrin


employee Felicia



Course of treatment

Silky smooth skin and permanently* – this is possible with the modern XENOgel® Technology hair removal. Avoid regular shaving, epilation or waxing in the future. Skin irritations or inflammation of ingrown hair and cuts from shaving are soon no longer an issue for you with this method.

Banner picture smooth skin
Fotokollage Wohlfühlatmosphere bei

1. We are offering you pure relaxation

Our employees offer you an excellent feel-good service. Relax and leave your everyday life behind.
With our expertise, we enable you to have hair-free skin, while at the same time allowing you to relax from your stressful everyday life.

Beratung Fotokollage

2. Your first consultation – of course free of charge

A detailed consultation is the start. We will answer your questions and inform you: About the modern XENOgel® Technology, the benefits of photoepilation, painless treatments, prices and packages. Make an appointment today.

Banner picture Treatment photoepilation
Behandlung Fotokollage

3. Personal and individual

The professional staff of Haarfreiheit treats you individually according to your wishes and your hair growth. We analyse your skin type and the need for treatments. Our therapists are trained in hair removal in our own academy so that they always have the latest state of the art. Feel safe and experience a painless and effective treatment for permanent hair removal with the right light or laser technology for you.


Your hair goes through different stages of growth, which is why the treatments must be carried out according to the development of the hair. Effective treatment is only possible during the growth phase – therefore treatments must be repeated in order to reach as many hairs as possible during the growth phase.

Infografik Wachstumsphasen Verteilung


90 percent of your hair is in the resting phase, also called telogonal phase. Only 10% are in the growth phase at the same time, also called anagen phase.

During this time, the hair is connected to the hair root and a treatment with light and laser is effectively possible. Due to the natural change from the growth phase to the rest phase after about 4 weeks, the treatment rhythm must also be adjusted accordingly.

Repeated treatments allow as many hairs as possible to reach and effectively treat all hairs in their growth phase.

Light reflex banner picture


With simple tips you can ensure the optimization of the treatment results yourself.

Icon Daumen hoch Empfehlung


✔ Drink plenty of water. 2 to 4 liters of water daily help to optimize your metabolism and prevent wrinkles – your skin becomes not only hair-free, but also firmer

✔ 1 day before the treatment you should shave the area to be shaved.

✔ Use suitable sun protection for your skin when you are in the sun: sun cream or spray.

✔ Apply skin-friendly and soothing creams or lotions to the areas after treatment.

. . . so you will soon be able to see quick and visible successes on your way to a hair-free skin.

Icon Stoppschild nogo


🚫 Two weeks before a body part is treated, it should not be epilated or waxed/plucked. Only in this way is an effective transfer of energy during photoepilation to the hair root possible.

🚫 Even the use of depilatory creams before the treatment is an obstacle for an effective energy transfer.

🚫 Avoid sunbathing or visiting a solarium, because UV stimulates the production of melanin in the skin cells and may reduce the effectiveness of the treatment depending on the technology.

Address and Contact

    Wabenbild Blick auf Schloss in Karlsruhe

    Kaiserstraße 110
    76133 Karlsruhe


    Immediately in the city-center you will find our institute Karlsruhe. In the immediate vicinity of the market square you can reach us via the stop of the same name with the lines 1, 4, S1, S2, S5, S11, S51 and S52. If you arrive by car you can park your car in the car parks Karstadt and Marktplatz as well as in the parking garage Schlossplatz.

    Our best Technology
    for you

    XENOgel® Technology Button Technologie

    All technologies

    available at the current market:
    SHR, IPL, Diode laser,
    Alexandrite and ND:YAG laser

    Clickbutton to Technology overview
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    Arrange a free consultation in an institute near you!

    C O N T A C T

    Give us a call or write to us:


    Phone: 06221 / 187 67 67


    WhatsApp: 06221 – 187 67 67


    Mail: info@haarfreiheit-heidelberg.de


    Online Booking Service
    Appointment & consultation